You are here : Mopar Directory : Chrysler : 300 Hurst
Welcome to our Chrysler 300 Hurst Directory! A comprehensive list of links and resources to personal and business web sites devoted to Chrysler Hurst 300 vehicles. Have a Chrysler 300-H web site or related business site? Submit your Chrysler 300-H site for review and inclusion in the Mopar Enthusiast Directory.
1970 Chrysler 300 Hurst By Joe Gross – Mopar car of the month For September 2009. Limited edition one of only 485 produced. Featured on the Mopars of the month site September 2009.
1970 Chrysler 300 Hurst by Joe Gross – Update – One of the rarest cars having the HURST name on it. Featured on the Mopars Of The Month site October 2010.
1970 Chrysler 300 Hurst By Joe Gross – Update 2 – 11/23/2010 Update: One of about 485 300’s conversions produced. Featured on the Mopars of the month site January 2011.
1970 Chrysler 300 Hurst By Keith Wright – 1970 Chrysler 300 Hurst. Stored for 7 years, the dust is evidence. Featured on the Mopars of the month site May 2015.
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